on a NPR food podcast (yes, they do have one and it's quite interesting). they were talking about cookbooks and how some people confess they read cookbooks as novels. =) i do too. i like to read about places the cuisine originated from, admire the beautiful photos and pore over recipes to find the few that sound tempting enough to attempt one day. of course, i end up gathering so many recipes i don't know when i'm going to get around to trying all of them. but i like to think that i'll have plenty of recipes to choose from for a specific occasion.
current cookbook reading:
Mangoes and Curry Leaves: Culinary Travels through the Great Subcontinentthe pictures in this book are gorgeous. great stories of their travels and of the people and culture interspersed throughout the book.
Food and Mood: complete guide to eating well and feeling your bestdo you believe that what you eat affects how you feel? scientific research supports this and reading this was very informative.
Giada's Family Dinners
current cookbook reading:
Mangoes and Curry Leaves: Culinary Travels through the Great Subcontinentthe pictures in this book are gorgeous. great stories of their travels and of the people and culture interspersed throughout the book.
Food and Mood: complete guide to eating well and feeling your bestdo you believe that what you eat affects how you feel? scientific research supports this and reading this was very informative.
Giada's Family Dinners