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Wednesday, November 30, 2005 

reminiscing Berkeley eats

Zachary's Pizza

Consistently rated as one of the best pizza places in the Bay Area.

i'm not even a big fan of pizza but Zachary's pizza is in a class all by itself. their chicago-style deep-dish pizza's are THE best pizza i've ever had. there's something magical about their pizza sauce - there's something about the combination of spices they use, the sauce is so tasty and full of flavor. there's often a long wait to eat at Zachary's. unfortunately, Zachary's is located on Solano Ave., close but not within walking distance of the Berkeley campus. of course if you had a car or were willing to take the bus ou there, that's a different story. so my friends and i had to be content with only going to Zachary's a few times during our undergrad years.

you know what, it's been so long since i've been to Zachary's that i can't possibly do it justice by describing how i faintly remember how great the pizza was. definitely incentive to return and try it again so i can describe it more fully. =)

Caffe Strada
2300 College Ave.
(510) 843-5282

ahh, Caffe Strada. i have many fond memories of some great cafes in Berkeley...this is the place where i learned to love coffee. surprisingly, there was a time in my life when i did NOT like coffee (the follies of youth...). until college, i disliked coffee. could not understand why anyone would like or enjoy that vile, dark bitter liquid. but then i started drinking coffee because 1) it was necessary. i didn't drink it to wake up, i drank it to stay awake into the wee hours of the morning. 2) perhaps it was peer pressure. so many other people were drinking it and it seemed like such a mature and adult thing to do. (thank goodness smoking never interested me otherwise my lungs would be tar-filled. forget running!). and i had an epiphany after having my first mocha - coffee drinks did not have to be bitter! and the rest is history...

i think coffee is very much like red wine. to the neophyte, only what is sweet is considered good. but with time, your tastes become more refined and you begin to appreciate the complex flavors of the other options. um, in terms of red wine, i haven't arrived to that point yet. give me more time...

Caffe Strada is one of the nicest cafes in Berkeley b/c they have outdoor seating where you can catch up with friends or study and do some homework. i remember spending many evenings and weekends studying outside of Strada. last time i was there i might have been studying for the GRE...

Strada makes one of the world's best mocha bianca's (white mocha as it is known elsewhere).

Strada has some of the best, fresh whipped cream. it's so good it's like eating ice cream. this ain't no Cool Whip!

Cafe Milano
2522 Bancroft Way
(510) 644-3100

Cafe Milano was probably the cafe I frequented most during my undergrad years. it was centrally located on my way to class from my apartment. they also make great mocha bianca's. spent many hours studying here as well.

one thing you'll learn is that the cafes in Berkeley serve their coffee quite dark. dark roasted coffee with a very potent caffeine content is very typical of Berkeley. i don't know if it's b/c the undergrads need their caffeine but this is the most popular brew around Berkeley (and the Bay Area in general).

La Note
Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA
(510) 843 - 1535


nope, unfortunately, haven't eaten here yet. definitely heard a lot about this place and look forward to trying it out and writing about it on my blog. =)

it's supposed to be a really cute place for a romantic weekend brunch. they serve provencal french food and their prices are very reasonable.

Chez Panisse Restaurant and Cafe


how can we mention the Berkeley food scene without mentioning Alice Water's Chez Panisse? unfortunately, i haven't eaten at this Berkeley (and national) food landmark. as an undergrad with limited financial resources, eating at establishments such as this is not very usual. they have a set menu every day so you arrive and eat what the chef (Alice Waters) decided to prepare that day (based on the freshest local ingredients in season). so you and everyone else in the restaurant have the exact same thing. quite an unsual concept.


Cheeseboard Collective Co-op


and how could i have forgotten to mention the Cheeseboard Collective Co-op? i remember going to their location on Shattuck and getting the freshly baked sesame baguettes and a wedge of brie...

it's too bad the Cheeseboard wasn't closer to the Berkeley campus.

before being introduced to the Cheeseboard, I would've scoffed at a simple meal of bread and cheese...yes, there was a time when i didn't like any kind of cheese other than mozarella on pizzas. but in undergrad, at the end of semester party in my french class, one girl brought some baguette and cheese and it was delicious. it was by far the best food at the party. i asked her where she got them and she told me she got them from the Cheeseboard. at the Cheeseboard, their baked goods are made fresh everyday and their menu varies day to day. in addition to their fabulous bread and pastries, they are also famous for their homemade pizzas which can be bought baked or ready-to-bake. (Arizmendi is their sister co-op so many items found in one location are found in another).

the cheeseboard also published a cookbook. they have a recipe for my favorite scones: corn-cherry. =) i have to try that recipe sometime and if i do, i will provide an update on how they turned out.